SHOCKER: 46 Girls confess the strangest object they’ve ever masturbated with

By: Farida

26th November 2018


What was Reddit invented for? Was it intended to be a forum for any topic under the sun and informative discussions with people in different walks of life?

Or was really just intended to be a place where you could find 50 different version of the thread “Women Confess Strangest Things They Masturbated with?”

Probably the latter, but the world may never know.

The point is, this particular topic of discussion is recurring.

Over the years, Reddit has collected many comments on strange things women have incorporated into their masturbation.

The vagina is a unique organ.

It can accommodate many things of all shapes and sizes. Let’s take a look at some of the more interesting things women have masturbated with.

Which of these entries is the strangest? Let us know in the comments!

The weird end. Toothbrushes aren’t that surprising. They’re readily available and already in the bathroom but this Redditor took a strange approach to the brush: “[I used] The bristled end of a toothbrush. I heard losing my virginity would hurt so I tried to pop my own cherry with a toothbrush before I had actual sex. It hurt like hell. Probably shouldn’t have used the bristled end.”

Spinning class. One thing that separates men and women when it comes to masturbation is that men never have accidental masturbation sessions. A woman sits the wrong way or in a weird chair and suddenly a boring lecture becomes a party. Here’s one such story: “I was at a spinning class today and my bike was a little wobbly, and somehow the cycling action was making my clitoris rub against my labia [and] the seat (through my pants and leggings of course) and I had an orgasm right there in spin. Luckily it’s very dark in the spin room and I sit in the back row so nobody could tell. So uh, a bike seat.”

Stationary. Another big difference between male and female masturbation is that women masturbate with stationary objects whereas men do not. This Redditor’s comment is a good example: “I used to have a bed with a ball on the post (the post was only about 2-feet high and the ball on the post was quite small) and I remember using that.”

Inner beauty. It’s important to look for the beauty on the inside. This Redditor did just that, with her Elmo doll. “When I was younger… I realized my old Tickle Me Elmo doll felt very nice when it shook as it ‘laughed.’ So, being a creative youngster, I cut it open and took out the part that vibrated it. I unscrewed that and cut out the speakers so it wouldn’t make that laughing noise every time you push the button, put it back together, and voila! Lil me’s first vibrator.”

What’s Mickey D’s up to? Happy meals should be a sacred childhood memory, but not for this Redditor: “When I was about 13 I bought a Happy Meal and it came with some toy drumsticks (which were suspiciously thick). Used one of them as a dildo and that ladies and gents is the story of the first time I [female ejaculated.]”

>Bubble wand. Some things just make sense as masturbation devices, like a bubble wand. As it is, it’s better than some of the sex toys on the market. “One of those bubble wands. I would take in the shower and use it with the showerhead. That makes it sound like I masturbated with bubbles. Hold on. It was one of these. I used it like a dildo and the shower head like a [sex toy.]”

Wii. If Nintendo were smart, they’d make a game for this particular fitness activity: “I had a game named “Avatar Burning Earth” and found a spot in the game where it would endlessly vibrate the Wii remote if you stood next to it. Lubed condom plus Wii remote plus “Avatar the Last Air Bender” game equals strangest sex toy I’ve ever used.”

Deep voice and good speakers. Haven’t you ever seen the Howard Stern movie? All it takes to bring a woman to orgasm is a speaker laid flat and a DJ or singer with a deep voice. We recommend Leonard Cohen. One Redditor recommends a sub-woofer speaker.

Umbrella. This is definitely what the Rihanna song was about: “I had one of those novelty umbrellas with a plastic cover that made it look like a sword. Now, around that time, I was slowly discovering that looping a hair tie around my wrists and pulling really hard made me feel weird. So, one night, I absent-mindedly did the same thing with the umbrella strap —some kind of sturdy cord that didn’t give nearly as much. I felt even weirder, so naturally, I Googled ‘feel good when I tie my wrists.’ To make a long story short, I then absolutely used that umbrella where the sun doesn’t shine — and discovered a fetish at the same time. Win-win?”

Compilation. Take a couple of the items already mentioned in this article and put them together – you’ve got a replacement man. “I think the strangest thing I’ve ever masturbated with was a body pillow with an electric toothbrush stuffed in it. What a ride!”

Mini M&M’s Ever noticed that the containers mini M&M’s come in looks suspiciously like a sex toy? Well, lots and lots of female Redditors have and they recommend filling them with everything from beads to quarters for added heft.

Skill challenge. If the cooks on “Top Chef” Can make a gourmet meal out of beef jerky and Cheeto’s you can make a sex toy out of what’s in your home. “For desperate times I MacGyver my way to an orgasm. Ladies, listen up. You need a washcloth, a hair tie, and your shower that unfortunately doesn’t have a detachable showerhead. Put the hair tie on the showerhead and then the washcloth over top of it with one corner hanging down and then hold it in place with the hair tie. Adjust until the water is falling down in one stream. Enjoy.”

Source : Forexx-fe