Shocking weight loss rules backed by science

22nd February 2019


There are some unsaid rules of weight loss– say no to carbs, eat a light dinner and say no to unhealthy snacking. But not all of these rules are correct. We are going to tell you some unbelievable rules of weight loss, which are backed by science.

It’s okay to eat a big dinnerMost people think that eating a big dinner is a cardinal sin when it comes to losing weight. An Italian study compared both eating earlier in the day and late in the evening. The results showed that people of both groups lost the same amount of weight. Several follow up studies have proven the same thing that timing doesn’t matter when it comes to weight loss.
The University of Oregon sums this up well by saying that eating too many calories regardless of the time you eat them can cause weight gain. Eating at night won’t make you fat but overeating at any time of the day surely will. Snacking does not affect metabolismSnacking is considered to be a big no-no when it comes to weight loss. When it’s about the calories you burn per day (metabolism), it does not really matter whether you eat the same number of calories in 3 meals or 6 meals.
The composition of the meals is what really matters and not the number of portions you divide it in, says a Canadian research. Carbs can make you lose weightWhen it comes to losing weight, carbs are criticized more than anything else. The real reason why carbs have a bad reputation is because people consume them in their processed forms. The processed carbs are high in sugar and low in fibre, which makes them unfit for your weight loss quest.
Having good carbs – the complex ones like whole wheat bread, barley, sweet potato, do not just aid weight loss but also keep diabetes and heart disease at bay. Going organic does not help with weight lossEating organic food does make you healthy but it does not guarantee weight loss. Moreover, just putting the organic label on the food item does not mean it’s really organic.
A research published in the Annal of Internal Medicine reviewed 200 studies that compared the health benefits of organic foods to conventional foods. The results were surprising as there was no distinguishable benefit of eating organic food.
Organic food definitely has fewer pesticides and toxins but that does not make it weight loss friendly.

Exercise on an empty stomach

High-intensity exercise can make you feel really sick because you force feed yourself before doing it. Eating before a workout is definitely important but the term 'before a workout' has a much wider time range than you might think.

Your digestive process is very complicated. When you have food, it does not go directly to your muscle or gut, it takes a lot of time. So, even if you have eaten hours before your workout, there is still plenty of energy/fuel left, which will help you perform well.

A meal with 25 grams protein can last in your body for around 25 hours, says a research published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
