Singapore's homegrown satellite launches into Orbit

10th February 2019


Singapore is probably not the first place that comes to mind when you think of space exploration. But the island state is establishing itself as a force in the new space race by building a fleet of small, low-cost satellites.

Instead of hitching rides on bigger rockets, the company hopes its independent mini rockets will make launches more affordable.
The satellite is testing technologies the scientists hope will pave the way for what could be Singapore’s first moon mission. Scientists say that within five years, they will be able to build satellites small but robust enough to make the journey.
Singapore is a hotbed for engineering talent, but it lacks the facilities to launch satellites into space. All nine of its satellites in orbit were launched overseas, mostly from India and Japan, and attached to rockets intended for much larger satellites.
But a local start-up may have an alternative solution. Instead of hitching rides on bigger rockets, the company hopes its independent mini rockets will make launches more affordable.
TRT World's Sandy Huang reports.