Sisters make life more beautiful - Guys, thank your sister right now because she makes you a better person. Even science agrees!

17th December 2018


1/10Sisters make life more beautiful

Love her or hate her, you can never ignore her. Having a sister is like having a mother, friend, guide and a teacher all rolled into one. She is always there—whether through her encouraging words or threats, she will make sure that you are always on the right track.

2/10​The fights that make you stronger

Interestingly, the bond you share with a sister is not merely about love. She can be your biggest critic and nothing escapes her notice. As you grow up, you would fondly remember the fights you had with her—for stealing that piece of chocolate or being a telltale, for snooping around and poking her nose in your love life or eavesdropping your conversations.

3/10She is your biggest strength and…

There is no denying the fact that she is your biggest strength. But did you know people with sisters are generally happier and more optimistic in life than those who don’t have a sister? We already had an idea but now researchers are saying the same.

4/10​The study

Interestingly, researchers from two universities—De Montfort University and Ulster University in England—arrived at the same conclusion that people with sisters are generally happier and more optimistic than those without.

5/10The survey

The researchers asked around 571 people different questions related to their general outlook on life and mental health. Interestingly, at the end of the study, people who had sisters were found to be more ‘emotionally adjusted’ than those who didn’t have sisters.
