Sleep technology: 4 devices to help you get better sleep

16th February 2023


In an age where work and family life can be extremely hectic, getting good quality sleep every night can be a tricky business.

Studies have shown that establishing a sleep routine is the best way to go about getting the seven to nine hours sleep adults need each night.

Recent research by Betway Insider expanded on that point by claiming your pre-bedtime activities play a crucial role in the quality of sleep you enjoy.

They found that practicing meditation for 30 minutes before sleep is the best way to guarantee you get a good night’s sleep.

Reading a book and listening to relaxing music also scored well, while watching the news on television was among the activities that caused significant disruption to sleep.

While most people understand the benefits of a sleep routine, not everyone is fortunate enough to make it through the night without waking up.

Thankfully, there are several technology devices that will help you get better sleep. Here are some of our favourite products on the market.

Sleep robots

If you are not fortunate enough to have someone special to go to bed with each night, sleep robots could be the answer to your prayers.

Somnox is an innovative sleep companion that has received rave reviews from people who want to improve the quality of their sleep.

The robot senses your breathing patterns and pulses gently to guide your breathing into a slower pattern, thus inducing a more restful state.

Blue light blocking glasses


emitted by digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and televisions can be extremely detrimental to the quality of your asleep.

Products such as the Vivid Tech Glasses are designed to be worn at least 30 minutes before you go to bed and will help you get ready for sleep.

By allowing for increased production of melatonin, the glasses limit the impact of using devices in the run-up to bedtime and create better conditions for sleep.

Cooling headbands

To fall asleep effectively, the body needs to cool down. This can be difficult to achieve during the summer months, which is where cooling headbands come in.

The Ebb Cooldrift Versa is a clinically researched solution for people who have trouble falling asleep due to excessive heat or an overactive mind.

It uses cooling technology to reduce metabolic activity in the frontal cortex of the brain, quietening the mind and providing a platform for more restorative sleep.

Smart sleep mattresses

Given that we spend around one third of each day in bed, it makes perfect sense to invest significant resources into the surface you sleep on – your mattress.

There are numerous smart mattresses on the market that monitor your sleep and other key metrics such as heart rate to create the optimum sleep conditions.

The pick of the bunch is the Eight Sleep Pod, which tracks and improves your sleep by dynamically heating or cooling the temperature of your bed based on your sleep stages.