'Strong Signal': Islamists Set to Hold Prayer Near Danish Parl't

20th March 2019


Hizb ut-Tahrir*, which is seeking to establish an Islamic regime and has been classified as a terrorist organisation in Russia and many Arab countries, intends to commemorate the Christchurch shooting victims by a Friday prayer near the Danish parliament. This step was decried by right-wing politicians and even triggered a counter-demonstration.

This Friday, the Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold a prayer in memory of the 50 victims of the Christchurch attack at Christiansborg Palace Square, which contains the Danish parliament Folketinget, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry of State, the newspaper Jyllands-Posten reported.
The organisation's website invites all Muslims to gather at Christiansborg Palace Square on Friday at 12:30.
"As Muslims, we are all horrified over the massacre in Christchurch, where 50 Muslims were murdered in two mosques and over 100 wounded only because they confess to Islam. It is our Islamic duty to stand together in support of the martyrs and the sanctity of the blood of Muslims" the invitation to the event said.
According to the announcement, Hizb ut-Tahrir received the authorities' approval to hold the event. This was also confirmed by the Copenhagen City Council.
"This will send a strong signal to the politicians, who are directly responsible for the spread of hatred in society. Standing in front of the castle with the thick walls sends a strong signal", Hizb ut-Tahrir member Taimullah Abu-Laban was quoted as saying by the newspaper Avisen. READ MORE: 'Allah Forbids It': Hizb ut-Tahrir Urges Swedish Muslims Not to Vote
This made the right-wing Danish People's Party see read. Speaker of parliament Pia Kjærsgaard intends to inquire about the details of the event.

"The castle square is neither a church, nor a mosque or a synagogue", she told Avisen.
Danish People's Party foreign spokesman Martin Henriksen (DF) argued that the police should stop the event.
At the same time, Islam-critical party Stram Kurs ("Hard Line") reported a counter-event at the same time and same place.
The Danish police reportedly took note of both announcements, and are busy making an assessment whether the events constitute a risk to public order. READ MORE: 'Extremely Frustrated': Denmark Seeks to Ban Foreign Countries' Mosque Support
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international pan-Islamist organisation that aims to enforce an Islamic way of life through Sharia law. The organisation is opposed to democratic governance and encourages fellow Muslims not to participate in politics or cast votes in elections. While banned in the majority of Arab countries (with only a few exceptions), as well as in Russia, Germany and China, the organisation remains active in vast parts of Europe, including Scandinavia. Hizb ut-Tahrir's Scandinavian headquarters is in Denmark, with smaller branches existing in Norway and Sweden. Its membership in Scandinavia remains undisclosed. Denmark has been looking into banning the group on several occasions.
Stram Kurs self-identifies as "ethno-nationalist"; the members describe themselves as libertarians and Danish patriots. The party was founded in 2017 by Rasmus Paludan and has risen to prominence through Quran burnings, which the party itself describes as "Bacon a-la Quran". READ MORE: Norwegian Writer Attacks MSM's 'Storytelling' for Whitewashing Migration
​* Hizb ut-Tahrir is an extremist organisation banned in RussiaSource: sputniknews.com