Suffering from high blood pressure? This one drink can help

24th February 2019


One in three Indians suffers from the problem of hypertension. The stress of work, daily life can easily get to your head and before you know, the constant headaches turn into a blood pressure problem. Suffering from high blood pressure can take a toll on your schedules and limit you. No wonder, it is often called as a silent killer since there aren't any signs that can help you control the disease in its early days.

While we know the one big culprit which disrupts normal blood pressure, salt, there is no one easy way of controlling it and keeping the blood pressure levels regulated. Hence, many turn to medications which are not exactly welcome. But, there is one safe and easy solution in hand which can curb the stress and keep you healthy as well. Wondering what is it?
Hint: It is really simple and tastes delicious! Turn to pomegranate if you want to lower your B.P. levels down.
According to a study conducted in the UK, drinking a glass full of pomegranate juice every day can drastically lower your systolic readings. The study surveyed an undisclosed number of people who were given 500 ml of pomegranate juice every day for four weeks and after the time passed, they reported a sharp fall in their blood pressure levels. They also recorded a fall in their weight levels and felt less bloated than usual.
Why is pomegranate a good option?

Pomegranate contains a high dosage of Vitamin C, antioxidants like polyphenols (which is present in much higher quantity than in any other fruit) and lipoproteins which act as healers for the body. Pomegranate cuts down on the cholesterol levels and reduces the thickness of vital carotid arteries which act in reducing the blood pressure. It is not just a wonder-fruit for people who suffer from iron deficiency but can also balance your blood pressure readings. It also contains healthy potassium, sodium and folate, which keep your heart healthy and boost your immunity. The antioxidants present in pomegranate are three times higher than a glass of wine or green tea so it is also a good option for those who are looking to cut back on these drinks.

Make sure to go for a fruit juice variant which does not have any added sugar. If you can, prepare the juice yourself which is natural and all healthy.

But, be careful:

Pomegranate juice, with all its benefits, also comes with few side effects. It can interact with certain types of medicines so make sure to check with your doctor before you try this remedy.

You can also give cranberry juice a try. It has been found that the tangy tasting fruit increases the overall blood flow through the veins and dilates the blood vessels, reducing the risk of high B.P. It also contains essential polyphenols which cut down the cardiovascular risk as well.
