The audacity of a Ghanaian Woman

29th November 2018


The audacity of a Ghanaian woman when she uses the word to tell not an ordinary short story but a segment of the country’s history as she witnessed it deserves plaudits.

There are many gaps in the chronicle of Ghana under the Rawlings’ junta especially the dark and controversial segments which former First Lady Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings’ autobiography launched on Tuesday might or not address.

That is why we are excited that she has finally mustered the courage to put out a bit of the country’s history as she witnessed it as a First Lady.

As an active First Lady engaged in, especially, the management of the powerful 31st Women’s Movement, her story would make an interesting read.

As a trove of treasure for those seeking certain details but which they cannot find elsewhere, the autobiography, as it were, has come in handy.

We have individually witnessed the growth of the country in our own corners. Here we are being presented with what a woman, whose husband led the country through many twists and turns until exiting the high office of President, has experienced and put into writing.

Of course, her narration would differ from others when they too decide to make their presentation using the word. But why not, after all history has always been controversial; the influence of the writer impacting on it somewhat. Be it as it may, here is a book which presents us with an opportunity to make a better and informed comparative analysis with what we already know.

Her charge to Ghanaians to write their stories is in the right direction. The country’s list of retired personalities from public service, local and abroad, is long yet only a few have bothered to put down their experiences. Such presentations would enable the younger generation and others yet unborn to avail themselves of the abundant lessons these publications would contain.

The former First Lady’s audacity should serve as a means of encouraging other women to tell their stories because there is dearth of such publications on our shelves.

Nana Konadu has blazed the trail. Others, especially women, should follow suit so that the story of our mothers would be told in the appropriate perspective for a better appreciation.

We can bet the First and Second Ladies have been sufficiently fired up to consider putting their thoughts together so that one day these would add to the history of Ghana.

The poignancy which drove her to vie for the presidency of the country and her gender fights should serve as a driving force for a new breed of Ghanaian woman who would strive for the best as she sheds the garment of timidity.
