The Influence of Social Networks on Younger Generations: Navigating the Realm of Reality and Appearance

23rd May 2023

The Influence of Social Networks on Younger Generations: Navigating the Realm of Reality and Appearance


 Explore the profound impact of social networks, particularly Instagram, on the younger generations.

Discover how the constant pursuit of validation through likes and shares can shape self-esteem and mental well-being.

Uncover the concerning research linking Instagram use to increased anxiety, depression, and body dissatisfaction among teenagers.

Delve into the responsibility of social media platforms in addressing these issues and promoting a healthier digital environment.


In the digital age, social networks have become an integral part of young people's lives, with a staggering increase in their usage among the younger generations.

Instagram, a popular image-centric platform, has emerged as one of the favorites, offering a digital canvas for users to share captivating glimpses of their lives and gain validation from their followers.

However, beneath the glossy filters and seemingly perfect profiles lies a complex dynamic that shapes the self-perception and psychological well-being of teenagers.

In this article, we explore the delicate balance between reality and appearance in the social media realm, focusing on the influence of Instagram and its repercussions on the younger generations.

 Instagram's Digital Mirror: The Impact on Self-Esteem

For adolescents, the opinions of others hold immense power over self-esteem, shaping their perceptions of themselves and affecting various aspects of their lives, such as school, work, and relationships.

Studies conducted on the use of social networks by young people have shed light on Instagram's profound impact on body image and self-perception.

It has been found that teenagers are more likely to experience dissatisfaction with their appearance, leading to detrimental effects on their psychological well-being.

Unveiling the Detrimental Effects: Anxiety, Depression, and Eating Disorders

Extensive research conducted by Facebook, the parent company of Instagram, has uncovered alarming findings regarding the platform's influence on the mental health of young users.

The correlation between Instagram use and increased anxiety and depression, particularly among girls, has been revealed.

The relentless social comparison centered around physical appearance takes a toll on the psyche of young girls, fueling feelings of inadequacy, the risk of developing eating disorders, and depressive symptoms.

 The Responsibility of Social Media Platforms: Seeking Solutions

While evidence points to the detrimental effects of Instagram on the mental health of teenage girls, there remains a concerning lack of action from Facebook in addressing these issues.

Despite the company acknowledging the downsides of excessive focus on aesthetics and appearance, little has been done to implement effective solutions.

Instead, the problem has been downplayed, even as Instagram continues to generate significant revenue, primarily from users under the age of 22.

This harmful cycle of comparison and exposure to "perfect" content persists, impacting the well-being of countless young individuals.


The ubiquitous presence of social networks, particularly Instagram, has ushered in a new era of self-expression and validation-seeking among younger generations.

However, the pursuit of likes and shares comes at a significant cost, as research demonstrates the adverse effects on self-esteem, body image, and mental health.

As social media platforms continue to shape the lives of young people, the responsibility to create a healthier digital environment rests with the companies behind them.

It is imperative for platforms like Instagram to recognize the far-reaching consequences of their design choices and take meaningful steps toward fostering a more positive and supportive online space.

By addressing these concerns, we can empower the younger generations to navigate the world of social media with resilience, authenticity, and improved well-being.