'The Post You've Been Waiting For': Italy's FC Atalanta Signs Russian Football Star Miranchuk

4th September 2020




Sputnik International



The press service of Atalanta has stated that Russian midfielder Alexey Miranchuk has been officially transferred from Lokomotiv Moscow to the Italian club.

The Italian football club Atalanta has published a photo of Russian attacking midfielder Alexey Miranchuk on its Instagram account in order to welcome the player to the team.

“The post you've been waiting for. Welcome, Alexey Miranchuk”, the statement reads.
Miranchuk, 24, is a graduate of the Lokomotiv football academy. He scored 43 goals and 45 assists in 228 games for the Moscow club.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

Il post che stavate aspettando ? добро пожаловать, Aleksej @miranchuk! ???? The post you've been waiting for ? #WelcomeMiranchuk! ?? ⠀ #GoAtalantaGo ⚫️? #Atalanta #BergAMO #ForzaAtalanta #football #transfer

Публикация от Atalanta B.C. (@atalantabc) 4 Сен 2020 в 7:00 PDT

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