Tips for saving electricity on the next bill

16th March 2020

Debt seal stamped on electricity bill


Saving energy is a way to contribute to the preservation of the planet. To give you an idea, among the impacts caused by hydroelectric dams are interferences in the climate, vegetation, fauna and mineral resources. 

In addition to reducing the impact on nature, saving energy is also a way of reducing expenses. Some researchers and specialists in the field do not believe that it has such an effect, but the fact is that, in some states, an extra hour of natural light can generate savings of up to 5%.

You can also contribute and it won't even be that difficult. Following are some very practical suggestions to be applied on a daily basis, such as avoiding a light on when no one is in the room and staying in the bath for less time than necessary.

Change the bulbs

If the lamps in your house are all incandescent, the ones that are more yellow, then it's time to change them. Fluorescent, compact or circular, in addition to spending less energy still have a longer durability. They are more expensive, but the cost-benefit is much higher. Avoid leaving the lamps on during the day, taking advantage of natural lighting. Ceiling and walls painted in white and very light tiles better reflect the light, without the need to light a lamp.

Avoid long baths!

This is a very important tip, since showers consume a lot of energy. It is worth noting not only the delay in bathing, but also the temperature. Take advantage of the warm weather to change the shower switch to “summer,” allowing less consumption. Also, who doesn't like to cool off in the heat? Take care not to change the key while showering, as you risk shock or burn resistance. Do not even use the shower with the damaged heating element.

Caution with air conditioning

In places with very high temperatures, air conditioning can represent one third of a home's energy consumption. So caution is needed. Check out the tips:

The first step is to acquire models that contain the saving seal, printed on electronic devices that consume less energy.

Buy a device that is sized to match the environment. It is also advisable to avoid excessive cooling by always adjusting the thermostat.

Keep the filters clean and turn off if the room where the air conditioner was installed is empty.

Pay attention to your refrigerator. There's no way, the refrigerator stays on all day. If you are thinking of buying or exchanging, opt, as in the case of air conditioning, for a model with the saving seal. can use an electrical saver such as Okowatt.

Pay attention to the door rubber. If it does not close properly, it wastes energy and can even impair food storage. Avoid opening the fridge several times, get everything you will need at that moment in one go.

If you are going on a long trip it is good to empty it and leave it off.

Use your washing machine less

Washing machines also use a good amount of energy. Especially if they also have the function of drying. So accumulate as many dirty clothes as you can.

Pay attention to the amount indicated by the machine to use it to its maximum capacity. Clean the filter frequently and do not overdo it in the soap to avoid having to repeat the rinse.

Awareness starts early

In addition to following all the previous tips, it is also good to guide children so that they grow up knowing how important it is not to waste energy.