How to treat acne with avocados

16th January 2017


Avocados are known as a super food because of all the vitamins, healthy fats and other nutrients that they contain and you have also probably heard of some of the beauty hacks that use avocado as an ingredient in too.

The vitamins, minerals and fats that avocados contain actually make them suitable for hundreds and hundreds of different beauty treatments, especially for the skin and hair.

So, if you have a spare avocado in the refrigerator, here is how you can treat acne with it.

  • Mash a ripe avocado and apply on the affected skin.

Let it sit for a few minutes until it dries completely and becomes tighter on the skin.

  • Wash with cold water and pat dry.

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  • Or else you can also eat avocado fruit and rub the peel on the skin.

  • Repeat the same process regularly