UK Gov't Steps Up Preparations for No-Deal Brexit - PM Spokesperson

18th March 2019


After multiple failed attempts to pass the government's Brexit deal, the British parliament backed a motion Thursday seeking to extend the withdrawal period beyond March 29, in abid to prevent the UK from leaving the bloc without a deal in place.

According to UK Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman, the government has boosted preparations for a no-deal move, while the premier has made it clear that a no deal Brexit would have a detrimental effect on the country.
The UK prime minister's spokesman said alternatively if the country can't win a vote this week, May will have to seek a longer extension and Britain will take part in European elections, adding that the premier had held discussionS with her colleagues on Brexit over the weekend.

AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth
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The spokesperson stressed that for a meaningful vote to happen the government would have to set the vote in motion at the close of business the day before, adding that the other EU countries don't seem to have a unified position on what a longer extension would boil down to.

When asked about media reports that some would throw their weight behind May's deal if she specified when she would quit, the spokesman said the prime minister was focused on winning the vote, "holding talks with MPs and [North Ireland's] Democratic Unionist Party to get the vote through."
Last week, the UK parliament voted in favor of postponing the country's departure from the European Union and against leaving the bloc without a negotiated deal in place. This week, arguably on Tuesday, May is expected to bring her withdrawal document back to the parliament for a third vote. READ MORE: British Economy Starts 2019 in Good Shape, Eyes Multibillion Boost After Brexit The other day, in her article in the Sunday Telegraph, May asked members of parliament to make "honorable compromises" to back her Brexit deal, warning that the failure to back the agreement would mean "we will not leave the EU for many months, if ever."

"There is a lot more work to do, and, I think, the risk of no deal, at least as far as the UK parliament is concerned, has receded somewhat, but the risk of Brexit paralysis has not… That's why we will be redoubling our efforts this week," UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said on Monday, commenting on the recent Brexit developments.Source: