We warned you about this Special Prosecutor job - Asiedu Nketia to Amidu

17th July 2019


The General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has said the party warned Martin Amidu against accepting the appointment as Special Prosecutor in February 2018.

The comment by the Chief Scribe of the opposition NDC comes on the back of a recent letter by the Special Prosecutor accusing some state officials of deliberately sabotaging his work.

Mr. Amidu in the rather lengthy letter says some of these Heads of institutions refuse to comply with laws designed to ensure good governance and to protect the national purse.

"I have told you before that Martin Amidu cannot prosecute anyone, he will continue to complain like he is doing now," he said.

Mr Amidu after being appointed Special Prosecutor has come under a lot of fire over his failure to prosecute corrupt officials of the present and past governments.

His recent and most significant attempt at redeeming his image was the filing of charges against Bawku Central MP, Mahama Ayariga, after having previous charges against the same MP quashed by an Accra High Court some weeks ago.

Mr. Amidu is blaming his inability to deliver as expected on a number of things including the lack of co-operation on the part of Heads of institutions in the country.