Weight Gain: “I was so thin that people called me single haddi during my college days!”

8th March 2019


While most of the people look for quick solutions to lose weight, there is an immense amount of hardship that skinny people face as well. From being a victim of name-calling everywhere to not being able to find clothes that fit, being underweight comes with its own set of dilemmas. So, if you are on a quest to gain weight, let Nilesh’s journey be your inspiration.

Name: Nilesh Jaiswal Age: 25 years Lowest weight recorded: 51 kgs Weight gain: 25 kgs Duration it took me to gain weight: 3 years Current weight: 76 kgs The turning point: Throughout my college life, I was teased mercilessly for being really skinny and underweight. I was also called nasty names including ‘single haddi’ and ‘champu’. I used to hate it terribly but could not do anything about it. I was so fed up of all the teasing that I decided to join a gym. The irony is that I was so weak that on the very first day of my gym, I fainted because of weakness. My breakfast: Earlier I used to have tea and biscuits as my breakfast. To gain weight, I started having 2 parathas, 1 cup chana (black chickpea) and 2 bananas. My lunch: I have 1 bowl of daal, some rice, 4 chapatis and some vegetables. My dinner: I have 2 chapatis and some vegetables. I indulge in: I did not assign any cheat day because I was trying to gain weight. My workout: While I was not a regular at gym, I did work out occasionally. Additionally, I made it a point to follow a completely healthy diet and did not go overboard with junk food. I knew that gaining weight is not a quick process, so I gave myself enough time. Fitness secrets I unveiled: I have realised all that you need, at the end of the day, is unwavering confidence to continue with your weight gain plan. How do I stay motivated? Once you start working out and start seeing the results, you won’t feel like stopping. This visible result is the real motivation that kept me going. How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? Every time I feel demotivated, I recall why did I start my weight gain journey in the first place.

What’s the most difficult part of being skinny/underweight? I felt extremely weak and was always low on energy. My bones were very weak as well.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to maintain my current physique and stay fit.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I started working out and paid attention to what I ate.

What was the lowest point for you? People around me were really demotivating. Instead of encouraging me, they tried their best to demotivate me.

Lessons learnt from weight gain: I have learnt that only you have the power to change yourself and your lifestyle.

Source: indiatimes.com