Weight loss: Fear of heart attack made this guy lose 19 kgs!

22nd December 2018


36 years old, Aman Thakur weighed a massive 113 kgs during early 2016. One day, when the residential lift in his apartment stopped working, he had to carry his daughter to the 7th floor. As he climbed seven floors, he realised that his excess weight had started hindering his ability to even climb a flight of stairs without panting and huffing. Terrified with the fact that he may actually suffer a massive heart attack, he decided that it was time to turn his life around. Read on to know more about his weight loss journey.
Name: Aman Thakur Occupation: Agriculture Scientist Age: 36 years Highest weight recorded: 113 kgs Weight lost: 19 kgs Duration took: 2 years The turning point: During early 2016, I weighed a whopping 113 kgs and it became increasingly difficult for me to find clothes my size. One day the lift in my apartment was not working and I had to carry my daughter all the way up to the 7th floor. I took around four breaks in between and was so breathless that I felt that I will actually get a heart attack. I began my weight loss pursuit in June 2016 and lost 10 kgs within just 4 months.
That was the much-needed wake-up call for me and I decided to pursue my weight loss seriously. Once I started noticing changes in my body, it motivated me to work on my body even harder. My breakfast: Sprouts, papaya, 3-4 egg whites, one slice of toasted brown bread My lunch: 2 chapatis, 1 bowl of daal or chicken curry and salad My dinner: Boiled oats with lots of raw vegetables or 3-4 boiled eggs. I make it a point to drink a protein shake after my evening workout. I indulge in: I love eating biryani and Chinese cuisine during my cheat days. My workout: My workout consists of 30-40 minutes of cardio exercises on a treadmill and cross machine, 30-45 minutes aerobic exercises and lastly 40 minutes of weight and strength training. I train one body part every day. Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Oats upma Fitness secrets I unveiled: Self-awareness is the key, hence, you must keep an eye on your daily calorie intake. A balanced diet along with exercise is a must and you should have a light dinner for long-term fitness goals.
Reduce alcohol intake as it slows down your body metabolism. I suggest drinking only once a while and limiting your intake to 2 drinks.

How do I stay motivated: I make it a point to see my pictures before weight loss, whenever I want to get motivated. I am happy with the shape I am in currently and I feel that I look great. I don’t want to go back to being the same chubby fellow anymore and really enjoy the newly found confidence that has come after shedding all the extra weight.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? I love working out so much that it has become a part of my lifestyle now. I keep an hour every day for my body, even during an extremely busy schedule. In addition to this, I practice Vajrasan after every meal, drink water sip by sip and avoid drinking water immediately after meals.

What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? I had really low confidence and struggled to do even the most basic activities. I was also mocked by my colleagues, family and friends for being overweight.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I wish to stay as is, for the rest of my life and don’t want to deviate from this path. I know being an endomorph, I can gain weight very quickly if I go back to the unhealthy lifestyle again. If you are mentally strong, you can achieve anything in life.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I started working out at least 4-5 times a week, stopped overindulging in alcohol and started to have at least 4-5 meals a day. I also make it a point to have around 5-6 litres of water per day. I start my day by drinking lemon juice with warm water along with a clove of garlic.

What was the lowest point for you? You don’t get visible results, right in the beginning and that is the point when most people give up. You need to have someone in your life, who keeps you constantly motivated. If you hang out with positive people, positive things will start happening in your life.

Source: indiatimes.com