Weight loss: How much protein do you need in a day?

23rd March 2019


For those wanting to lose weight or even bulk up, protein is the most dominating food group in their diet. Nothing wrong it because your daily protein intake plays a crucial role in your overall health and the smooth functioning of your body. It keeps you energized and helps you to maintain your muscle. But like every other thing, it is essential to consume an adequate amount of protein for losing weight. So how much should you be eating? Protein needs per dayOur body does not store proteins like it stores fat and carbohydrates. So it is important to consume it in the right amount every day. Protein is needed to maintain your muscles, skin and other organs. It is also required to repair and build cells. As per the Institute of Medicine, adults need to consume about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.

Exercise and protein intake The more you exercise, the more protein you need. If you exercise on a regular basis then it is important to maintain your protein intake level. You need to consume 1.4 to 2 grams of proteins per kilogram of your body weight every day. As per the International Society of Sports Nutrition, you must consume protein immediately before or after your workout session to improve your muscle recovery time.

Do not overeat Just because it is important for health does not mean you can have it in excess. Remember moderation is the key. Eating a high protein diet for a long time can lead to kidney diseases and increase calcium excretion leading to a decrease in bone density. Include an equal amount of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in your diet for staying healthy.

Good sources of protein Some foods high in protein content also contain a high level of saturated fat. Consuming excess of saturated fat can elevate your cholesterol level and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke, says the American Heart Association. Go for boneless skinless chicken breast and fat-free dairy to avoid excess saturated fat. Vegetarian foods such as beans and nuts are another healthy option to maintain your protein level.

Source: indiatimes.com