Weight loss: This man lost 19 kilos in 5 months!

4th January 2019


The day 27-year-old Mohit Tiwari decided to shed his excess fat, he knew it was not going to be easy. But his consistency and patience helped him reach his goal. Here’s his inspiring journey of getting 19 kilos lighter.

Name: Mohit Tiwari Age: 27 years Profession: Research scholar, IIT Delhi Highest Weight Record: 88.4 kilos Weight Loss: 19 kilos Duration it took me to lose weight: 5.5 months My Breakfast: Cornflakes, oats, 3 egg whites with coconut water After 1 hour: 1 apple/orange After 30 minutes: 1 cup green tea My Lunch: Brown rice, dal, 2 roti and salad My Dinner: A full plate salad Before sleep: 1 glass of toned milk What you eat on your cheat days: Paneer dosa and paneer parantha My Workout: I work out for two hours every day during which I practice 30 minutes of cardio, 1 hour weight of training and 30 minutes of abs workout. Low-Calorie recipes I swear by: Sweet potato, black coffee and mix vegetable juice. Fitness Secrets I unveiled: Be focused on what you want to achieve. And according to my experience proper sleep, proper hydration, daily workout, clean eating and saying no to junk food are the basics to lose weight. How do I stay Motivated: Seeing your body getting transformed is the biggest motivation. The desire to look the best version of yourself also keeps you motivated. I also believe consistency is the key as it is directly proportional to the improvement. How do you ensure you don't lose focus? I have learnt a lot of new things during this journey. I just want to say that push yourself to the maximum extent and never ever give up. It is very important to be punctual and to have a goal in mind before starting any journey. What's the most difficult part of being overweight? Before starting the weight loss journey, I never realised how unhealthy I was. As the saying goes - no pain, no gain! These are the things which were difficult for me when I started this journey and the moral of the story is I didn’t give up. - Waking up at 5 - Diet control on weekends - Managing my professional life along with daily workouts What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? 10 years from now I want to run as much as I can and remain physically fit and healthy to motivate others. What are the lifestyle changes you made? I stopped using the lift even if had to go to the 5th floor. I also started having green tea 5 times a day. What was the lowest point for you? I never ever bothered about what people said about me, but one fine night while going to sleep I realized it was high time and I need to start working out in order to be healthy.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: I would say weight loss was just one of the positive outcomes of my journey. This journey made me a better person, inside out. A healthy weight loss is really more than just a physical transformation.

Other lessons I learned during my weight loss journey were:- There’s just no shortcut

- Consistency is the key

- You need to learn what works for you because everybody is different and thus same thing can’t work for all.

If you too have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at toihealth1@gmail.com

Source: indiatimes.com