What are the six major steps in proofreading?

21st May 2022


An essay is a prose text, which is characterized by a small volume and free composition. The main task of the author is to express a personal opinion on a particular occasion. How to check an essay to get a perfect score? Some useful tips from best essay editing service.

Check Formatting Issues

Text formatting seriously affects the overall score. Proper formatting improves readability and makes writing easier to understand. Also, when evaluating this criterion, the examiners check the author's attentiveness and the ability to follow the instructions provided.

When formatting, pay attention to:

  • formatting style

  • page margin size

  • font and its size

  • interval

  • page numbering

  • title page layout

  • headings, quotes, links, etc.

Style of Writing

When writing an essay, the author needs to correctly and concisely formulate thoughts. Information should be clear, structured, and interesting. Mandatory are arguments, examples, explanations of cause-and-effect relationships, and conclusions.

Is everything logically organized?

A distinctive feature of an essay is the presence of a thesis and arguments that support it. They must follow the introduction and reveal the problem and the author's attitude towards it.

As arguments, you can use well-known facts, situations from society, personal life experiences, quotes from scientists, results of scientific research, etc.

The conclusion completes the structure of the essay. In it, the author summarizes and formulates a personal attitude to the problem raised.

Coherence between sentences and paragraphs

Sentences and paragraphs must be logically related to each other. This allows you to achieve the integrity of the work.

To achieve the best result, we recommend using simple, short sentences. Remember emotional coloring. Different intonations are considered appropriate and help to better convey the author's feelings.


In an essay, you can provide different information about yourself, your activities, preferences, successes and failures, life events, and people mentioned.

A good text should not only be easy to convey information but also intriguing. Examiners may be interested in relevant quotes and aphorisms, paradoxical statements, etc.

Grammar Mistakes

Check the text carefully. If there is the slightest doubt about the spelling of certain words, be sure to use specialized dictionaries and services on the Internet.

Stylistic Mistakes

Ambiguous expressions, unsuccessful turns, rhetorical questions, and colloquial vocabulary are stylistic errors. They significantly reduce the overall score for an essay even with perfect grammar and punctuation.

Combine concise, uncluttered sentences with long phrases. This will give the text the right rhythm and create the desired effect.

Punctuation Mistakes

Watch out for punctuation. Incorrectly placed punctuation marks make it difficult to read, distort the meaning, and demonstrate the irresponsibility of the author.

Reread the text yourself, let friends or colleagues check it, and use punctuation guides and online services. An integrated approach will help you minimize the chance of errors.

Check the Word Count

An essay refers to texts with a limited number of words. To comply with the specified volume, you should avoid repetitions, stereotypical statements, and reasoning that are not directly related to the topic. Replace vague introductions with concrete examples. This will help to captivate readers and better reveal the main idea.