What makes December borns unique - 9 truths you must know about your December born friend or lover

20th December 2018


1/10What makes December borns unique

In case your bestie or partner is a December born, this article will help you understand (and in turn, value!) them better. To say the least, people born in this month are unique in their own way. They don’t mind going an extra mile to make you smile and take you by surprise when you least expect it. Here are their nine traits that make them special and irreplaceable.

2/10​They are fiercely loyal

Once they fall in love with you, their loyalty knows no bounds. They will fight for you the moment they hear someone uttering anything behind your back, will stand by your side through thick and thin and be your pillar of support at every step in life. Also, if a December born commits to you, then there is no looking back for them.

3/10​They will bring out the crazy person in you

You can be assured there won’t be even a single dull day with them. Your dear December born friend is always trying out new things (think salsa classes, bunjee jumping, traveling to a offbeat location) and will, in turn, introduce you to amazing stuff. They will take you on crazy adventures, amazing workshops and pretty places you have never been before. You won’t get bored even if you feel like—we are not kidding!

4/10​Oh, their sense of humour!

They have got an amazing sense of humour. They find fun in everything, and that might even include a serious situation. Feeling gloomy? Call your December born friend and get set to have a light-heart, hilarious conversation with them.

5/10​Looking for an honest advice?

These people are brutal and straight-forward. They will not think twice before speaking their mind and won’t sugar coat their opinion to comfort you. They offer an honest advice and you should only seek it when you want to listen nothing but the truth.

Source: indiatimes.com