When is Promise Day 2019? Significance and Importance of Promise Day in Valentine Week

12th February 2019


The Valentine's week started with Rose Day which was on February 7 followed by Propose Day on 8th, Chocolate Day on 9th, Teddy Day on 10th, Promise Day on 11th, Hug Day on 12th, Kiss Day on 13th and finally, the much awaited Valentine’s Day on 14th. Promise Day falls on the fifth day of the Valentine's week and it is a day when couples make unbreakable promises to themselves and to each other. These promises signify their love and commitment to each other and their relationship.

While Promise Day is celebrated on February 11, do not mix it with the World Promise Day as it is not a part of the Valentine's week. Promise Day is indeed an important day for lovers as it tests the love and care of a person towards you, especially in long-term relationships. While a special day is not required to proclaim your love or to make a promise to your significant other, sometimes people get busy with the hustle bustle of their daily life so much that they are unable to devote quality time to their relationship. In such situations, celebrating days like Promise Day is important to make your partner feel valued and special. So, read on to know more about this day. Significance and importance of Promise Day in Valentine Week
When one is in love, promises by their partner means a lot. Each promise shows how much you love and care for your significant other and, of course, also your commitment to make your relationship work. On Promise Day, which is on February 11, couples generally promises to love each other unconditionally, to always be there for each other through sickness and in health, and support each other. These promises are made with honest intentions of sticking to them, which makes them all the more important and meaningful.

When people get married, they take vows to be together and to fulfil each other's wishes. Similarly, Promise Day is the day when couples promise each other to love unconditionally and forever, to be loyal to each other, to keep each other happy, to always support and care for each other. Well, of course, the promises made on this day can also be more personal like quitting a habit which annoys your partner, to spend more quality time together, or to argue less and listen more-- it is the honest intention behind these vows that matter the most in a relationship. As for married couples, this is a special day which gives them an opportunity to renew their vows and commitment to each other.

Also, on Promise Day ensure that you always make promises to your partner which you can fulfil. If you are not serious about your partner or your relationship then do not make promises of loving them forever as it might hurt them in the long run. The whole idea of making promises to your partner is to make them feel valued and strengthen your bond by sticking to your promises. Remember, a promise comes along with responsibility as it communicates your commitment to your partner.

So go ahead and celebrate this special day with your significant other.

Happy Promise Day!

Source: indiatimes.com