Why love alone was not enough to sustain our marriage

28th December 2018


Love overcomes all odds. It’s enough to sustain any relationship. So I believed when I married my boyfriend after being in a relationship for seven long years.

We were thrilled and thought the world was our oyster. Like many couples who start their married life at a young age, we too faced many hurdles—there was never enough money while our needs were unlimited, our hectic work schedules left us with no time for each other and our respective families hated us. But love made us forget everything.
However, love wasn’t enough to overcome the biggest hurdle our marriage faced. Lack of trust. It’s difficult to name a day or remember the exact date when the threads of our relationship slowly started unraveling. It was not just one incident but like falling dominos, many hiccups that shook the foundation we carefully laid with love.
One night when I returned late from office, my husband looked a little offended. I thought it was because he was expecting me to be home early. But what I didn’t realise then was he wasn’t upset about the time but he was not happy that one of my male colleagues had dropped me home. I got to know it very late.
It used to make me very uncomfortable when I watched my husband stay glued to his phone replying the messages of his clients. It didn’t help that most of his clients used to be young college girls. He was a designer and had just started a boutique. Whenever I found him talking to any pretty girl, I felt betrayed. We were yet to learn the lesson that trust is as important as love to make a marriage work.
If you think marriage is about just two people, you are wrong. There were days when we used to fight because we were angry at each other’s families. I used to often complain against my mother-in-law and he did the same about my parents. There was no doubt that we loved each other madly but we could never share the same love for our in-laws. We were too young to realise that marriage is not about just two people but it about the families we belong to.
And then when we saw our friends moving ahead in life, it made us unhappy and jealous. We ended up comparing our lives with theirs. We were still in love but somehow failed to acknowledge the love we shared.
We never realised that no two relationships are similar and comparing your life with your friends’ lifestyle will leave a dent in your marriage. But we were too immature to realise that. It was one mistake after another that led us resenting each other and the once happy relationship we shared.
We had everything yet we were unhappy. Gradually the differences became so big that we could no longer stay under the same roof. Separation became inevitable. And later a mutual divorce set us free.

It has been almost twelve years since we had a divorce. When I look back, all I see are two people deeply in love but unaware of other ingredients that make marriage last a lifetime.

–By Anonymous

Source: indiatimes.com