2017: A Year Of Victory
28th December 2016
This is your year victory! Now, you will pass over to that side of victory. Your victory has come. This is marking the end of you weeping, gnashing of teeth, agonizing, tormenting from the enemy. This is marking the end of that mockery. You have stayed too long on that side. Now, rise and go over to the side of victory in Jesus’ name! Victory means conquest, triumph, win, success. I see you now crossing over victoriously in Jesus’ name! And to begin to cross over also means that you have been some where before now, but the place has been suppressing, holding back, unfavorable, unpleasant or unproductive. But Thank God, your year of changing positions has come. Praise God! Let’s go.
Israel was in that terrible situation like you. In Egypt, they were in slavery – suffering and suffocation. They were in a total hopeless captivity with no sign of help or deliverance. But at the appointed time God came for them. They were already resigned to their fate when He suddenly sent a deliverer to them. Yes, God moves suddenly! He comes unexpectedly – mostly when you have given up hope, when people have written you off, when your enemies, oppressors would have started rejoicing over you, then suddenly He would show up. My God! Look at His power coming for you now! Nothing, nobody, no power, no conspiracy, no power of hell can stop this move. You are due and will certainly move to victory, healing, recovery now. All win, all you lost will also be recovered.
When God brought Israel out of Egypt, in one move He displaced and decimated their enemies. He changed their statues, vision and also made them rich. Yes, very rich. We will soon discuss that. Divine deliverance will always come with divine reparation. Israel came out with silver and gold. In fact, the bible said that they ‘spoilt the Egyptians’. That is, they stripped, ruined, damaged, devastated and messed them up economically. They went away with all the gold and silver of Egypt! Praise God! We are not just having our victory, but we will celebrate it with silver and gold. True. One translation says the He brought them out with great wealth. It was immense, enormous, large, and stupendous. Wow! Great wealth indeed!
These are what this new year holds for you if you will believe this message. As Israel’s deliverance was hinged on believing on God’s message through Moses, your victory will be triggered off by your believe on what you are reading now. As Moses spoke to them, I speak to you today. As He spoke to the king of Egypt, I speak to your pharaoh to release you now! God has sent these words to bring you out of your suffering and slavery. Come out now in Jesus’ name! Share this message with others. We will continue next week. Happy New Year!
Rev Agbo is the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer.
Website: www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo E-mail: gabrielagbo@yahoo.com Tel: 08037113283