A Gospel Musician sent my picture to Juju to kill me – McAbraham

6th October 2021


Veteran Gospel musician and evangelist, Rev McAbraham has narrated how a colleague Gospel artist tried to assassinate him spiritually after taking his picture to a ‘juju’ man.

Rev McAbraham revealed that the gospel musician whose name he did not reveal in an interview with DJ Tofiakwa on Oyerepa TV wanted him dead because his songs were selling more than theirs in the market and this incident happened a decade ago.

“My colleague gospel musician sent my picture to juju to kill me all because of how my songs made an impact in the society”, he told DJ Tofiakwa on Oyerepa TV show, ‘Tie Bi’, Monday edition.

McAbraham explained on the show that, his colleague musician told him, he visited a shrine in the Bono Ahafo Region for certain reasons. The Friend musician saw he McAbraham’s picture on the floor so he asked the juju man why he had the photo in possession but the fetish priest answered that “McAbraham’s colleague musician has brought the picture for me to kill him because his songs are making impact in airwaves thus, people are not buying his songs.”

He said, “he couldn’t kill me, it’s about 20 years now …. I’m kicking and still going on because God is in control.”

Watch the video below: