Ashanti gold discovers new gold zones in Ghana

By: Farida

20th January 2018

New Gold zone discovered in Ghana


Ashanti Gold has announced results from its recent soil sampling program on the Anumso project in Ghana.

Results from 1,797 soil geochemical samples designed to test for gold mineralization along gold-bearing Banket conglomerate stratigraphy have identified two zones, each in excess of 1 km strike length and up to 240m wide, of significant gold anomalism.

These zones are completely untested by drilling. In addition, both the East and West Banket reefs display multiple lines of mineralization rather than a single line of the conglomerate as previously understood.

“This is a very exciting result for Ashanti as it reveals extensive new lines of mineralization to test,” stated Paul Klipfel Ph.D., the company’s COO and Chief Geologist.

These results show significant anomalism in zones that are untested by existing drill holes. Ashanti staff are currently examining these areas to determine geologic controls on mineralization. A trenching program will commence in February.

A NI 43-101 report on Anumso is available on SEDAR and on Ashanti’s website. The Anumso Gold Project is a 29.63 km2 Mining Lease within two blocks that cover well-known auriferous Tarkwaian Banket strata within the highly productive Ashanti Belt of Ghana.

The colonial Ntronang Mine, 7 km to the east of Anumso, lies along laterally continuous strata and is the only location outside of the famous Tarkwaian gold deposits in the southern Ashanti Belt where gold has been produced.

In addition, since colonial times, artisanal miners have been engaged in producing gold from within the Anumso Mining Lease. These host rocks are known in the southern Ashanti Belt for gold produced from the Iduapriem and Teberebie mines of AngloGold Ashanti and the Tarkwa and Demang mines currently in production by Gold Fields Ltd.

Gold in these rocks is considered genetically similar to that in the conglomerate-hosted gold deposits of the ~2,800 million-year-old Witwatersrand deposits of South Africa, except these rocks are younger, being approximately 2,115 million years old.

Source: Company Press Release