Beginner Sports Betting Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

29th July 2020


Sports betting

Are you new to sports betting, or to football betting? We have all been there--being a beginner, being someone who’s just learning to hold the ropes of a new thing. As with all beginners, you are also prone to making the mistakes that could break your run in this thriving industry.

Knowing the ins and outs of the world of online sports betting is essential for every serious bettor. For the best bookie tips, reviews and recommendations, you have good sisters like

How about all the other things you should know about? Here are the top beginner mistakes you should avoid in sports betting.

Not doing your homework

If you are going to bet on football, you should at least know the basic of football, and at least the most popular teams and players of the sport. One more thing you should learn to understand well is the odds and how they work.

Odds can make or break your sports betting career as they often dictate how much money you are to make on a bet that you will make.

All of these things, and more, are information that you can read about early on. It is recommended you do the reading before you even make your first bet.

On the other hand, you will eventually learn all the other things and perhaps acquire better skills along the way as you go on.

Thinking that Favorites always win

One thing that you should remove from your mindset if you still have it, is the myth that the favorites always win. The truth is that being a favorite or an underdog has nothing to do with who would win or not.

All it says is that one is on a higher position when it comes to either popularity or in playing history. However, being a favorite is not a guaranteed win in as much as being an underdog is not a seal ensuring the team a defeat.

In fact, there have been countless instances in the past wherein the favorite team had lost the game to the underdogs, and some have even lost by an epic margin. So, while what the odds say are a good indication and a guide you can use on where you would place your bet, no ods or prediction can say for sure which team would win in a game.

Always making a money line bet only

Money line bets are the easiest and that is also the reason why it is the most popular type of bet in almost every sport. The concept of it is very simple: who do you think would win the match? That is where you would place your bet.

However, did you know that there are more types of bet you can make aside from the simple money line wager? There are actually more betting types available on football than any other sport.

If you only bet on a money line bet and miss the opportunity on other types of bets, you are technically missing out on the opportunity of making bigger profits on your bets.

Not shopping around

In an in-person sports betting, shopping around or betting on multiply bookmakers can be a really difficult task, if not entirely impossible. However, in online sports betting, it can be as easy as witching between sites or apps.

This means you can shop around for the best odds ad deals, and you can spread your bets across different bookies for bigger profits or just to make sure you make a profit no matter what the outcome of the games may be.