Blog: How to have a healthy Valentine's Day

14th February 2019


Valentine's Day is marked by love, companionship and not to forget, flowers and food.

While many couples will give in to the rich sin of dessert and wine, having a different mindset might make you celebrate the day in a little different and healthier way. Here are a few rules to keep in mind, whether you are following a diet or just planning to go the extravagant way and eat your heart out!
-Keto diet may or may not work for you. So, on Valentine's Day, we suggest you don't break your lover's heart
Today health is of prime importance, while many couples will give in to the rich sin of dessert and wine, a different mindset might want to celebrate love the healthy way!!
-Keto diet is very dangerous and strict but you should not break your valentine's heart either! So choose a dinner of grilled salmon or chicken. Strawberry and cheese. Dark chocolate and white wine. All of these fall well within the keto frame.
- It takes two to tango! And two to get healthier with gusto!! You could plan a healthy all day date with a swim, a run or a hike. While it's unconventional, it's also in sync with your life's ideology and to share the concept of health with your partner may just be a great idea!!!
- Alcohol is ceremonial with the day's celebration but only, if you have control over your quantity. So what can you drink without damaging your food routine too much? Alcohol without mixers (with usually have a high sugar content) is the best option to have. Be careful about beer though, which is not the ideal choice. Shots just may lead to overconsumption purely by virtue of its short life span and propensity to keep going! Remember, moderation is key as always.
- Starters are great! They can be totally low carb, reduce the attraction to the main course later and comes with heartwarming variety! Going high protein is a worthy idea, the accompanying high fats will only blunt the rise in insulin levels. Meats, seafood, cottage cheese, nuts, butter and salad are not just satisfying but filling too.

- Carbs are given a name but there are always good carbs and bad carbs. Moderation can help you stay healthy and enjoy as well.

Finally just enjoy your day and your Valentine! Have fun, propose love, pamper your taste buds and promise to stay healthy for each other!

By Anupama MenonNutritionist and Food Coach
