CIAMC launches Western and Central branch in Takoradi

19th March 2021


The Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC), has launched the Western and Central branch in Takoradi with an 8-member body charged to steer the affairs of the CIAMC in the two regions.

Speaking to Citi News on the sidelines of the launch, the Chief Executive Officer of the CIAMC, Samuel Mawusi Asafo, said their mandate is to ensure easy access to training in the Western and Central Regions and also to get young administrators to learn from the old.

Samuel Mawusi Asafo-CEO, CIAMC

“The purpose of our training is to add a professional touch to administration and introduce the importance of working according to standards, working guided by ethics in an organizational set up so as to improve upon productivity and reduce white-colour related malfeasance. So today’s occasion is meant to bring the old and the new together for the new to learn from the old and also to form a branch to support their institutions to improve upon productivity. This is the hub of Ghana’s oil and gas industry hence the time for professionalism in administrative and management consultancy is now,” he said.

The President of the newly inaugurated Western and Central regional branch of CIAMC, Dr. Moses Maclean Abnory told Citi News the importance of the established branch.

Dr. Moses Maclean Abnory-President, CIAMC W/R Branch

“It is important because administrators are always at the helm of affairs and they are the managers who either take decisions or implement decisions. Therefore, if those people who are at the top don’t practice professionalism, don’t ascribe to any regulations, don’t close their ranks well, then anybody at all can wake up and say I’m an administrator when we have a serious challenge. Perhaps it could be one of the reasons we are having challenges with our institutional development in this country. Because those people who are supposed to be at the top one way or the other are just theory-based and not practical-based.”

“So this institute has come to regulate the practice of administrators, to encourage them and occasionally sharpen their skills with what is new. So CIAMC has come to fill this gap. The other thing is that, in certain occupational jurisdictions, you should be certified to be able to practice. Accounts are certified to some financial documents, what about administrators?” he said.

The Chartered Institution of Administrators and Management Consultants Ghana has been operational in Ghana for about 20 years training administrators and management consultants with about 3,000 membership in Ghana.

Source: citifmonline