Kenyan students march for climate action in Nairobi

16th March 2019


Kenyan students marched across the Karura Forest in the capital Nairobi on Friday for climate change action.

These young people believe that ‘’ if we want the world to change we have to be that change’‘.

“Every single person that has come out to march today is making a difference in our world. Even though our impact seems small, if you think about all the 98 countries and all the thousands of students who are doing the same thing that we are, our impact becomes big”, Ideja Efendija, a student said.

Even though our impact seems small, if you think about all the 98 countries and all the thousands of students who are doing the same thing that we are, our impact becomes big.

Tens of thousands of young people took part in a global day of protests. Their aim is to push world leaders to take action on climate change.

On Friday, 170 member states at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi pledge to reduce single plastics use by 2030. Charities gave a lukewarm reception to these commitments.

Mohamed Adow of Christian Aid told AFP, more was expected from this meeting to tackle climate change.
