Mauritania president defies senate to call constituional referendum

23rd March 2017


Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has said that he will press on with plans to hold a popular referendum despite the parliamentary upper house, the Senate, voting against a set of constitutional amendments earlier this month.

The controversial amendments include the abolition of the Senate with elected local councils created in its place, as well as changes to the national flag and anthem.

Referring to the upper house, Mr Abdelaziz said that "only 33 people" rejected the amendments, as opposed to the majority of Mauritanians whom he said supported them.

Thirty-three senators out of 56 had voted against the move after it had been overwhelmingly endorsed by the lower house.

"Are we going to leave the matter and the right to decide the future of Mauritania to 33 people?" he asked.

The new national flag would have red bands will represent blood shed during the fight to end colonial rule