NPA to convert 'high risk' LPG stations into cylinder distribution centres

1st February 2018



High risk LPG stations will soon be converted into filled cylinder retail and distribution outlets, the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has announced.

The NPA is set to begin its Cylinder Recirculation model of LPG distribution, a policy that will see consumers exchanging their empty cylinders for a filled one at some specially designated exchange point.

But the  policy has been criticised by some industry players as it seen as a killer to the existing commercial  LPG filling stations.

LGP Marketing Companies Association of Ghana, Ghana LPG Operators Association (GLiPGOA), Ghana LPG Tanker Owners Association and the Ghana LPG Table Drivers Union, have opposed vehemently to  the move, saying it will lead to the loss of  jobs.

Analyst say about 400 jobs are going to be lost when the policy  begins.

Howver Mr Tampuli has emphasised that the Cylinder Recirculation model of LPG distribution is going to be fully implemented.

“The next phase will be the categorization of the stations into high and low risk. The exercise will take into consideration the location and human density around the stations, among others.

“This phase will lead to decommissioning of high risk stations and their subsequent conversion into cylinder distribution centers under the new LPG policy. Low risk stations will be considered autogas refilling only. ”

According to Mr Tumpuli, a total of 657 stations have been inspected using the criteria developed for the first phase  of which 59 remain closed down due to non-compliance.

The model comes with  is also a safety measure that will ensure that LPG filling points are sited out of the range of densely populated areas and commercial centres following a number of gas explosions that have claimed multiple lives.

The NPA estimate about 4500 new jobs are going to be created under  the program as against the 400 ghc

The NPA downstream colloquium series under the theme “Ghana’s Petroleum Downstream, Then, Now and the Future”  in Accra on Wednesday.

By Fiifi Abdul Malik/