FIFA/CAF Liason team ends work today

13th September 2018


The work of the two-man CAF/FIFA Liaison Team has come to a close as the Normalization Committee is set to take over.


The Federation of International Football (FIFA) announced the appointment of Ghana Football Association's technical director Francis Oti Akenteng and Dr Kofi Amoah as liaison officers to mediate between them and CAF as they seek to ensure the continuous running of football in the country.

The decision came after an Accra High Court granted an injunction restraining officials of the nation's football governing body from carrying out all official activities over an undercover investigative piece on Ghana football by renowned journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas.

All football activities came to a halt after Ghana government filed a lawsuit against the football governing in the country to retrain them from running football.

However, FIFA instructed government to drop charges against the Ghana Football Association over what he termed as undue influence or risk avoid a ban.

Government rescinded its earlier stance and agreed collaborate with FIFA and CAF in forming a Normalisation Committee to replace the current Executive Committee of the GFA.

As a result, CAF first Vice President Amaju Pinnick, is in Accra, Ghana today with his team members where he is serving as CAF/FIFA Representative and Chef De Mission of the Normalisation Committee to bring Ghana Football Association back to its footing.