'I'm shocked ...' - Prez Akufo-Addo’s emotional tribute to murdered Mfantseman MP

9th October 2020

President Akufo-Addo


President Nana Akufo-Addo has penned an emotional tribute to mourn the death of Ekow Quansah-Hayford, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Mfantseman constituency.

The late MP was shot on the Abeadze Dominase – Abeadze Duadzi – Mankessim Road around 1:am on Friday on his return from a campaign trip.

ALSO READ: Mfantseman NDC suspends campaigns over MP's death

President Akufo-Addo, taking to his Facebook page to mourn Mr Hayford, noted that their last encounter was on June 30, 2020, when he went to the area to Commission a water supply project at Anomansa in his constituency.

Describing the day as a sad one for Mfantseman and mother Ghana, he charged the police service to swiftly bring the perpetrators to book.

He further expressed his deepest condolences to his family, to the Mfantseman constituency, to the New Patriotic Party, and to Parliament.

Read the full post below: