Togbe Afede has lived by his conscience, but . . . – CDD Senior Programs Officer

8th June 2022


Senior Programs Officer at the Ghana Center For Democratic Development (CDD), Paul Nana Kwabena Aborampah Mensah, has commended Togbe Afede XIV for returning the GH¢365,000 Ex-gratia given to him by the government.

He described him as a leader who has lived by his "conscience" in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie'.

His commendation comes after a section of the public, notably, Broadcaster Paul Adom-Otchere has said the decision by Togbe Afede to return the GH¢365,000 ex-gratia was “hypocritical”.

But Togbe Afede XIV has been widely praised after he refunded the huge sum of money for his service as a Council of State member.

However, Mr Aborampah Mensah suggested that Togbe Afede XIV could have “set the pace for rejecting ex-gratia whiles serving on the Council of State for others to emulate.