Video: How ugly women attract men by using make-up
23rd September 2018
The trick of how not-too-good-looking women use large amounts of make-up to completely transform their looks to attract men has been exposed, revealing how men are suddenly drawn to these ladies they would normally not approach.
A lot of men have been left stunned in Ghana, with the craze of make-up going to the next level, as they discover that women they found extremely attractive through their looks are completely different after face-lift is brought down.
Using all sort of materials including fillers - like a car undergoing body works, the Chinese woman completely transforms her looks to make her look like a stunning blond model.
This phenomenon has caught up like wild fire in Ghana with Ghanaians ladies not going these extreme lengths to transform their looks and attract unsuspecting men.
Watch the video below of how these not-too-good-looking use extreme make up to attract men