Water Stress In Kete- Krachi

5th December 2016


It took me a great deal of dedication, focus, brainpower, creativity, reflection and prayers to shape this seemingly controversial issue into a master piece. It is not by accident that this article has been brought to light at this time of the year. The Bible as a dramatic allusion in 1chronicles 12:38 emphatically says that the sons of Issachar understood the times and season in which they found themselves.

It is said that the only time African parents are humble is when you are teaching them how to use a smart phone. They become humble that you can even send them to bring water from the fridge.

The time is always right to do what is right so I wish this submission will receive urgent responds within the shortest possible time not subject to procrastination as it was times past because a flaw is a mark of error that makes us beautiful and our mistakes are what makes us learn. Hmmm dawn has suddenly reached day, day has reached night and night cometh when no man can work anymore.

Am told perfection is impossible but trying is perfect. Whatever deviates from the norm becomes abnormally and its actors become abnormal. The eyes now smells, the nose now sees and the mouth now smells and the ear now speaks. A cord of common sense has been trenched into an unknown wilderness. Ayitey powers once said ability without mentality is equal to barbarism. At first it made no sense to me but now it does.

Some of us may be aspiring for leadership but the question is why do you want to lead. In Africa, the shortest route to ill-gotten wealth is political leadership. ( prof Lumumba) If you want to get wealth without working for it at all, join African politics.

Too many people are in search for power, wealth and dominance claiming to have the interest and the welfare of the people at heart but in actual fact, it lies flat in the face of truth. The actions of our leaders call for the statement that, sacrifices for a politician is like white board markings on mirrors. They will be wiped with ease when a clear view of the face is sought. Be careful what you sacrifice for a politician. Therefore I urge the youth and all young men to be objective in their analysis and not to blindly allow the cycle in continuity.

I hope you will agree with me that access to water supply is a fundamental need for sustenance because water is life and needed for the dignity and health of all people. Water stress applies to situations where there is not enough water for all uses.

In reality, water is not available in all parts of the world and as a result, millions of people die day in day out but in the case of krachi, Water has proven to be the most important free gifted resource because it is almost an island yet water demand in Krachi exceeds supply, and as the population continuous to rise at unsustainable rates we are expected to experience this imbalance.

The Global Water supply and the sanitation Assessment Report(2000) defines reasonable access to water as at least 20 litres from a source not more than 1km within the users geographical proximity which clearly suits the case of Krachi. Intermittently, we face this problem of water scarcity.

Krachi has suddenly become Accra and I choose to call it the motto king business, where a Jerrica of water is being sold for one Ghana cedies. Former president J.J Rawlings paid a visit to krachi in the 90s and the paramount chief of the Krachi traditional council then Nana Obridjow the third taught it wise to present to the president the water scarcity problem of krachi.

The head of state said in reply ‘You are fortunate to have such a big river in your mouth’. He was figuratively telling the mouth piece of the land to make the most out of the river we have. Heed was not paid and the cycle keeps repeating over and over. Our political leaders may look at the few structural transformation that is evident in these few days to election and think it is well.

But I put it to them that growth is said to be null and void if it does not incorporate the wellbeing of the individuals. Some parts of the town has become the economy of destination which distinguishes a core and the periphery. Those at the core are able to afford the use of bottle water but the greater percentage of the land’s population (periphery) cannot afford the use of such water.

Perhaps the mind of our leaders have not comprehended nor have their heart conceived that the one structure reservoir cannot pump water for the entire community and should not forget that water is a flow resource and its scarcity cannot be over emphasised due to its close linkage between climate and the hydrological cycle. Until investment is made to harvest water directly from the river .

By Agyemang Owusu Fedelix