2019 Elections in Israel and Virginia Have More in Common Than You Think
Pelosi disses Green New Deal; Israeli police kill Ethoipian-Israeli Yehuda Biadga; What to expect from 2019 elections in Virginia; Germany regulates Facebook


On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. Bill Honigman, California State Coordinator and Co-Coordinator of the Healthcare as a Human Right Issue Organizing Team for Progressive Democrats of America to talk about the Green New Deal, the urgent need to address climate change, and Nancy Pelosi dissing the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced legislation.
In the second segment we are joined by Kamau Franklin, a lawyer and Founder of Community Movement Builders in Atlanta, to discuss the life and politics of recently deceased New Afrikan Independence Movement organizer Nehanda Abiodun, who had been living in exile in Cuba for over 30 years. We discuss Abiodun's contributions to the Black Liberation Struggle in the US, her unceasing solidarity work and how she sought to build bridges between revolutionary Cuba and Black Americans.
Later in the show we are joined by Noa Levy, head of Police Project in The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel to talk about the Israeli police killing of Ethiopian-Israeli Yehuda Biadga, the state of Israel's inability to address mental health crisis, and the role Israel's "Jewish nation-state" law will have on April elections.
Technologist Chris Garaffa joins Sean Blackmon and Bob Schlehuber to talk about how phone companies are selling location data to bounty hunters, the deepening fallout caused by a Facebook research app, Apple's pushback against Facebook, and Google's staggering income and regulatory fines in 2018.
In the fourth segment Jon Liss, Co-Executive Director of Virginia New Majority joins to talk about the ongoing political scandals in the state of Virginia, how the scandal has distracted from addressing issues important to poor people in Virginia, efforts to protect Virginians who live near the newly planned Amazon HQ 2, and what to expect from the 2019 state elections.
Later in the show, Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by technologist Cory Lancaster and Sputnik news analyst Bob Schlehuber to talk about Candice Owens' very regrettable comments regarding nationalism and Hitler, the inherent racial biases of tech developed in the United States, Amazon potentially cancelling its new headquarters in New York City, and tough German regulations on Facebook.
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