2019 Promises a fresh start - Mahama assures Ghanaians

By: Farida

2nd January 2019

Former President Mahama


Former President John Dramani Mahama has assured Ghanaians of a fresh start this new year, 2019.

In his New Year message, Mr Mahama expressed gratitude to Ghanaians who have supported and prayed for him during his over two decades of service to Ghana.

The former Ghanaian leader also prayed for God’s grace upon his supporters.

The New Year message posted on Facebook read: "I join you, my fellow countrymen and women, to thank God for seeing us through another year, with his love and blessings.

The New Year, 2019, brings with it the promise of a fresh start, and an opportunity to renew our resolve to strive for greater and better goals.

For me, this extends beyond the personal, as I owe you all my fellow Ghanaians, a debt of gratitude for your support and prayers in my twenty-two (22) years of public service.

I commit you to God’s grace, and I pray that His abundant goodness and grace will continue to be our portion in 2019 and beyond.

May God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong once again.

Happy New Year".