The Abuakwa North Municipal Assembly today, Thursday 14th July 2022 paid a visit to ZIPLINE, Ghana’s premier Medical Drone Project at Omenako, in the Suhum Municipality to familiarize itself with its operations.

The MCE, Alhaji Umar Babs Bodinga led the delegation made up of the Municipal Coordinating Director, Municipal Finance officer, Administrator other staff of the Assembly and all Honourable Assembly members.

At the premises, the delegation was taken through the activities of the three main sections of the Company, The Medical Supply Storage and packaging Unit, The Drone Launching Unit, and the Monitoring Unit.

It was disclosed to the delegation that ZIPLINE Omenako serves all Health Facilities in Abuakwa North including CHP Compounds. The services of ZIPLINE are fully funded by the government and health facilities do not pay, all they need to do is place an order and it is delivered. The drone the delegation was told can cover a 6HOUR journey in 47Minutes.

The ZIPLINE Omenako is first to be established in Ghana and now having 5 other facilities making 6 in the whole country. The Omenako service center serves all the district/ municipalities is Eastern Region and some part of Central Region.