Residents of Adenta are embarking on a demonstration Monday morning as part of measures to put pressure on government to complete footbridges on the Adenta Madina highway.

Starr News’ Peter Owusu who is monitoring the demonstration reports that over 30 police officers are walking with the ‘peaceful’ demonstrators.

The demonstrations comes on the back of rising road crashes on the Highway sparking chaos and roadblocks by the residents.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Roads and Highways has announced that work on the six (6) uncompleted pedestrian bridges in Adenta will commence within a week.

Temporarily, the Ministry in collaboration with the Interior Ministry has requested the Ghana Police Service to deploy officers of the Motor Traffic Unit to prevent further deaths.

A statement from the Inter Ministerial Committee on road safety issued on Thursday night, said government regretted the deaths of residents who had been killed by speeding vehicles.

The statement further said work had already been ongoing in recent weeks to address the situation and that procurement processes were now near completion.