Adnan Merovci, Ibrahim Rugova's former secretary, refutes claims that Rugova ever called the KLA an extension of Serbia. As we mark 25 years since the Kumanova agreement, Merovci sheds light on Rugova's stance.


As the world commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Kumanova Agreement, a pivotal moment that ended the war in Kosovo and prompted the withdrawal of Serbian forces, new insights have emerged about the relationship between Ibrahim Rugova and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Adnan Merovci, the former secretary of the late Ibrahim Rugova, has categorically denied allegations that Rugova ever described the KLA as an extension of Serbia. These revelations provide a deeper understanding of the historical narrative and Rugova's stance during a critical period in Kosovo's history.

Rugova and the KLA: Clearing the Air

Merovci's Revelation

Adnan Merovci, who served closely with Ibrahim Rugova, has come forward to clarify misconceptions about Rugova's views on the KLA. Speaking to newspaper 10, Merovci firmly stated, "Ibrahim Rugova never in his life said that the KLA is an extended hand of Serbia. Never in its history has it said to stop the bombings."

Understanding Rugova's Position

Rugova, often remembered as a pacifist leader who advocated for non-violent resistance, had a complex relationship with the KLA, which was known for its armed struggle against Serbian forces. Despite differing strategies, both Rugova and the KLA aimed for the same goal: Kosovo's independence. Merovci's comments highlight Rugova's consistent support for Kosovo's liberation, debunking any notion that he ever aligned the KLA with Serbian interests.

The Kumanova Agreement: A Historical Turning Point

Significance of the Agreement

The Kumanova Agreement, signed on June 10, 1999, marked the end of a brutal conflict and the start of a new chapter for Kosovo. It stipulated the withdrawal of Serbian military forces and the deployment of NATO-led peacekeepers, paving the way for Kosovo's journey towards independence.

Reflecting on 25 Years of Peace

As we reflect on the 25 years since this landmark agreement, it is crucial to revisit and understand the various narratives that shaped the conflict and its resolution. Adnan Merovci's recent statements not only clarify historical facts but also underscore the importance of accurate historical representation.

Revisiting Historical Narratives

Merovci's Credibility

As Rugova's former secretary, Adnan Merovci holds a unique and credible position to speak on Rugova's behalf. His assertions are a reminder of the importance of firsthand accounts in preserving historical integrity.

The Impact on Contemporary Understanding

Merovci's comments are timely, especially as Kosovo continues to navigate its path as an independent nation. They serve as a reminder of the complex dynamics that characterized the struggle for independence and the various leaders who contributed to the cause in different ways.


Adnan Merovci's clarification regarding Ibrahim Rugova's stance on the KLA is a significant contribution to the historical discourse surrounding Kosovo's fight for independence. As we mark the 25th anniversary of the Kumanova Agreement, it is essential to honor and accurately represent the legacy of leaders like Rugova, who played pivotal roles in shaping Kosovo's destiny. Merovci's revelations reinforce the importance of truth in historical narratives and ensure that Rugova's true beliefs and contributions are rightly remembered.