Agyapa Royalties fraud is the last straw: The Akyem sakawa boys and grandpas must go

Agyapa royalties deal is a big fraud on Ghana by Akufo Addo and the Akyem Mafia. You mortgaged Getfund proceeds in excess of Ghc25 billion for the next 10 yearsto borrow $1.5 billion and yet you could not expand educational infrastructure and build new schools to end double track, you mortgaged bauxite burried on the ground to Sinohydro to borrow $2 billion but has nothing to show after almost 2 years, you mortgaged ESLA proceeds for the next 10 years worth in excess of Ghc30 billion in 10 years to raise energy sector bonds of about $1.3 billion and yet energy sector debts remain unpaid and you have since accumulated over $ 2 billion additional energy sector debt with power producers threatening to shut their power plants.
In addition to borrowing $9 billion in 3 years in Eurobonds alone and illegally borrowing $500m term bonds in February, 2020 on the capital market without Parliamentary approval in violation of Article 181 of the Constitution, all without anything to show, what magic can you perform with $500m Agyapa theft money?
How can a 76 year old Akufo Addo mortgage revenues of about Ghc75 billion of the state for his maladministration to steal withoit caring about how his children and grandchildren will manage the economy into the future.
No wicked man has ever ruled this country and destroyed Ghana’s fiscal and debt framework the way Nana Addo and the empty lying Dr Bawumia have done.
It is estimated by industry players that only 11 major mining companies in Ghana will give Ghana an average of $250million a year, $3 billion in 10 years and $4.250 billion in 15 years in royalties payments being planned to hand over to Agyapa Royalties for just $500m. These estimates exclude new mining developments that will come onstream in the next 15 years such as the highly profitable mandine mining development in the Upper East by Cardinal Resources. How did they value $4.250 billion in 15 years to arrive at $500m as 49% of that value.
You can't put Lions in charge of sheep and expect to come back and meet the sheep alive.
They will now sell us to borrow to satisfy their insatiable corrupt habits if they are allowed 1 more year in office.