The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) reveals a groundbreaking discovery of the heaviest animal to ever roam the Earth, an ancient whale species named Perucetus colossus. Uncover the paleontologists' estimates, the remarkable weight comparison with the modern blue whale, and the extraordinary growth phase of whales in this BBC report.


In a momentous discovery, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) unveils the existence of an awe-inspiring creature that once roamed the ancient seas. Found on the coast of Peru, the remains of an ancient whale species named Perucetus colossus have captured the attention of paleontologists worldwide. The RBINS announcement brings to light the astonishing claim that this ancient giant competes with the renowned blue whale for the title of the heaviest animal ever known to exist. In this BBC report, we delve into the remarkable findings, the estimated weight range of the Perucetus colossus, and the astonishing growth phase of early whales.

Perucetus colossus: A Whale of Unparalleled Proportions

The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences' groundbreaking discovery of the Perucetus colossus, dating back 39 million years, has sent ripples of excitement through the scientific community. This ancient whale species, believed to have swam off the coast of present-day Peru, has earned its name, "colossus," due to its extraordinary size and weight. As paleontologists explore the fossilized remains, the Perucetus colossus emerges as a testament to the grandeur of prehistoric marine life.

Weight Comparison with the Blue Whale: An Epic Rivalry

The Perucetus colossus has taken the scientific world by storm by challenging the title of the heaviest animal ever to the modern-day blue whale. While the blue whale, the largest known animal on Earth, boasts an impressive weight range between 100 to 190 tonnes, the Perucetus colossus sets new records, with estimates placing its weight between 85 to a staggering 340 tonnes. This revelation sparks a compelling rivalry between two magnificent creatures separated by millions of years of evolution.

The Evolutionary Enigma: Whales' Extreme Growth Phase

Scientific research has illuminated the early evolutionary period of whales, revealing an enigmatic growth phase that sets them apart from other species. During their ancient existence, whales experienced the most extreme growth, transforming from relatively small ancestors to the colossal marine mammals we recognize today. This astounding transformation over millions of years offers a glimpse into the remarkable journey of these magnificent creatures through time.

Unraveling the Ancient Mysteries: Paleontologists' Quest

The discovery of the Perucetus colossus stands as a testament to the ceaseless efforts of paleontologists worldwide, dedicated to unearthing the mysteries of Earth's prehistoric past. Through meticulous study and examination, these experts piece together the puzzle of ancient life, shedding light on the incredible diversity and scale of creatures that once inhabited our planet.

Preserving Earth's Legacy: The Significance of Fossil Discoveries

Fossil discoveries like the Perucetus colossus not only unveil the fascinating history of life on Earth but also emphasize the importance of conservation and preservation efforts. These findings serve as poignant reminders of the need to protect our planet's biodiversity and natural heritage for future generations.


The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences' revelation of the Perucetus colossus marks a momentous chapter in the study of Earth's ancient giants. This extraordinary whale species, dating back 39 million years, challenges the modern-day blue whale for the title of the heaviest animal ever known. As paleontologists delve into the remarkable growth phase of whales, the evolutionary journey of these magnificent creatures continues to captivate and inspire. Through the tireless efforts of researchers worldwide, the mysteries of prehistoric life are slowly unraveled, providing us with invaluable insights into Earth's rich history. The Perucetus colossus serves as a reminder of our responsibility to preserve and protect the legacy of our planet for generations to come.