The lives of thousands of passengers who use the Adomi Bridge daily have been put in danger following the removal of bolts and nuts holding vital parts of the Bridge by some unscrupulous persons.

Report suggest that the suspects are targeting to remove some of the galvanized steel for a yet to be known purpose.

The DCE for Asuogyaman Samuel Kwame Agyekum confirmed the incident, adding that the security operatives are investigating the incident while the Ghana Highway Authority has been notified.

The Adomi Bridge located in Atimpoku in the Eastern Region which spans the Volta River that drains into the Gulf of Guinea, south of the Akosombo Dam was designed in 1956 and completed in 1957 by William Brown, of the engineers Freeman Fox & Partners.

In 2008, some serious cracks on the structure’s traverse beams were discovered. Following these findings, the Government of Ghana imposed a load limit on the bridge in an attempt to slow down the rate of damage. The cracked girders were locally strengthened by the installation of additional steel plates at the affected areas. The continued use of the bridge by overloaded trucks however, further compromised its safety and stability.

In 2009 , more cracks developed, mainly around the same area as the earlier ones were discovered; this necessitated major rehabilitation works on the suspension bridge.

In 2014, the bridge was closed to traffic on 10 March 2014 till 2016 for repair works and was opened to traffic in December 2015 after it had been refurbished.