Coughs: Don’t take cough mixtures; come to hospital instead – Specialist warns

By: Farida

25th March 2018


A health practitioner has warned the public against going to pharmacies to get cough mixtures to threat coughs instead of going to the hospital.

Dr. Moses Barima Djimatey says the coughs, especially persistent ones, could be the reflection of a bigger situation which may require urgent medical attention.

Speaking at a ceremony to mark World Tuberculosis Day Kuntenase in Ashanti Region, Dr. Djimatey said delaying special medical attention could cause further complications.

“Cough mixture doesn’t heal cough, it only suppresses the cough,” he said.

He further advised that seeking medical attention at the hospital will help in diagnostics and issuing of the appropriate medications.

“When you are coughing come to the hospital and we can use other anti-biotics and within a week it would be gone,” he cautioned.

He explained that if the ailment happens to be Tuberculosis (TB) and urgent attention is not sought, it could lead to transmission to friends and relatives and even death.

“…but if it is TB and you don’t come to us [hospital] and you go to prayer camp, a mallam…by the time you come to the hospital, it is too late and you may have died or given the disease to others that come in contact with you,” he said.

Dr. Djimatey who also serves as the Bosomtwe District Director of Health, reiterated that the treatment of TB is free so patients should not shy away from the hospital on account of finance.

“So please if you are coughing come to the hospital. TB is curable and treatment is free,” he said.

Source: myjoyonline