Improve your computer workstation ergonomics with these valuable tips.

From screen positioning to lighting and regular breaks, discover how to create a comfortable and productive work environment.


Creating an optimal work environment is crucial for those who spend long hours working on computers.

From screen positioning to lighting and taking regular breaks, there are several factors to consider when it comes to maintaining productivity and protecting your health.

In this article, we will explore essential tips for achieving optimal computer workstation ergonomics, ensuring a comfortable and efficient work experience.

 Create a Sloped Reading or Writing Surface

To promote a good posture and minimize strain on your neck and back, it is recommended to create a slight slope in your reading or writing surface.

Similar to the slanted desks in school, this slope should be around 20 degrees.

This angle helps align your body in a more natural and comfortable position, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues associated with prolonged computer use.

Optimize Screen Placement and Lighting

Proper screen placement and lighting are crucial for reducing eye strain and maximizing visual comfort.

The background beyond the screen should not be completely dark, as this can cause excessive contrast and reflections.

Adjust the screen brightness to average values that are comfortable for your eyes.

Additionally, position the screen approximately 50-60 cm away from your eyes to maintain an optimal viewing distance.

Consider using an anti-reflective screen filter to minimize glare and reflections, further enhancing visual clarity and reducing eye fatigue.

These filters can significantly improve the readability of the screen, especially in environments with bright lighting conditions.

 Take Regular Eye Breaks and Stretch

Working on a computer for extended periods can put strain on your eyes.

To alleviate eye fatigue and reduce the risk of computer vision syndrome, it is essential to take regular breaks.

Every hour, make it a habit to shift your focus away from the screen and engage in eye exercises or simply look around the room to rest your eyes.

This short break allows your eyes to relax and helps prevent discomfort associated with prolonged screen use.

In addition to eye breaks, it is crucial to incorporate regular stretching and movement into your work routine.

Prolonged sitting can lead to stiffness and postural issues.

Stand up, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes every hour to improve circulation and prevent musculoskeletal strain.

 Embrace Natural Light and Consider Task Lighting

Whenever possible, take advantage of natural light in your workspace.

Position your workstation near a window or a well-lit area to benefit from natural daylight.

Natural light has been shown to boost mood, increase productivity, and reduce eye strain.

However, it's important to ensure that your workspace is properly illuminated.

In addition to natural light, consider task lighting to provide adequate illumination for your work area.

Adjustable desk lamps or overhead lighting can help reduce eye fatigue and create a comfortable working environment.


Implementing these essential tips for computer workstation ergonomics can significantly enhance your productivity, comfort, and overall well-being.

From creating a sloped surface to optimizing screen placement, lighting, and taking regular breaks, these practices promote a healthier work environment.

By prioritizing ergonomic considerations, you can minimize the risk of discomfort, eye strain, and musculoskeletal issues, allowing you to work efficiently and maintain your health in the digital age.