It was a clear case of 'biting more than you can chew', with feminist Dela Sikadzi when she decided to give her "feminist" stance on Islamic practice.

The social media feminist, whose real name is Amelia Amedela Amemate, incurred the wrath of some Muslims on social media after she criticised the separation of men and women during Islamic funeral ceremonies.

In a post on Facebook, Ms Amemate wondered why men and women could not mixup during social ceremonies such as funerals, prayer sessions or other communal activities, stressing that while she knew people would justify it using their faith (Islam), they out to logically and practically reason out the issue before such justifications.

“These are pictures from the funeral of the little boy who got brutally murdered because we refuse to give our children the proper education (read socialization) they need (story for another day).

I see that women and men are separated. And I am fully aware of how some of you are going to justify this using religion. But instead of doing that, how about putting critical thinking and practical/logical reasoning first?

What exactly makes it so terrible and impossible for women and men to mix while burying their kid, praying or doing any communal activity?” She questioned.

In reaction, some Muslims took her on for straying into areas that do not concern her. They chastised her for seeking to major in a minor when there are serious issues affecting women in the country.

Below are some of the reactions: