The Ghana Football Association (GFA), through its GFA Foundation, is set to mark World Blood Donor Day 2024 with a special Blood Donation campaign.

This event will take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the GFA Head Office, known as the Home of Football, located at Ridge.

In addition to blood donation, there will be free health screenings and dental care check-ups for all participants.

The event will see the involvement of various stakeholders within the football industry, including GFA staff, sponsors, partners, players from the Men’s and Women’s Premier and Division One League clubs, as well as supporters.

This Blood Donation campaign underscores the GFA Foundation’s mission to positively impact lives by supporting national and international development initiatives and goals.

Dubbed the “2nd Pint,” this year’s campaign marks the second time the GFA is celebrating World Blood Donor Day with a blood donation drive.

The inaugural event was held last year in collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Authority during their 50th-anniversary celebrations.

Since 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO), its partners, and communities worldwide have celebrated World Blood Donor Day on June 14th. This year’s theme is “20 years of celebrating giving: Thank you, blood donors.”

The GFA Foundation emphasizes the critical need to maintain safe and adequate blood supplies in hospitals across the country.

These supplies are essential for medical and surgical procedures, including treating complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and severe anaemia in children.

GFA President Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku highlighted the importance of blood donation, stating, “It’s important for people to donate blood because the surest way to determine if you are in good health is when you donate blood since you must be in good health to donate.”

Malcolm Frazier Appeadu, Director of the GFA Foundation, noted that many individuals have discovered previously unknown health conditions through the blood donation process.

He called on the general public, particularly sports and football fans, members of keep-fit clubs, unions, associations, market women, traders, and students, to participate massively in the Blood Donation campaign on July 17, 2024.

Join the GFA Foundation in making a difference by donating blood and supporting this life-saving initiative.