The Ministry of Health has pleaded with Ghanaians to temper justice with mercy with regards to the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu’s blunder in connection with the contract he signed with Sheikh Maktoum to supply Ghana with Covid-19 Sputnik V vaccines.

Mr. Agyeman-Manu’s failure to seek Parliamentary approval is in breach of the provisions of Article 181(5) of the 1992 Constitution, which requires all international agreements to have Parliamentary approval.

However, Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, has defended his failure to seek Parliamentary approval for a contract with Sheikh Maktoum to procure Covid-19 vaccines, saying the infection and death rates compelled him to ignore laid down procedures in signing the contract for procuring the vaccines.

This has generated argument between the citizenry with many calling on the Health Minister to resign for his failure to do the necessary procedures before seeking to purchase the vaccines.

The Health Ministry’s Deputy Communication Officer, John Tettey Adda in an exclusive interview with Peace FM News said the move by the Minister was a clear manifestation of a good leader.

According to him, the Minister sought to get vaccines for Ghanaians when the death rate and positive cases soar hence activating the Executive Instrument clause 61(during emergencies) to get the vaccines and later go to Parliament for approval.

John Tettey Adda said there was no exchange of money in the contract the Minister signed hence the corruption tag on the Minister has no merit.

He urged Ghanaians to pray for the Health Minister and appreciate him for the good works he has done since his appointment, especially during this Covid-19 time and ignore the politics some people are doing with the Sputnik V contract.
