The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has commenced a public forum to educate tax payers in the Nothern part of the country on a new tax law.

According to the GRA, the forum is aimed at optimizing revenue mobilization in the country through voluntary compliance.

The forum brought together all tax payers in nine districts along the eastern corridor in the Northern region in Bimbilla in the Nanumba North District.

The Authority believes more Ghanaians will subsequently file their returns and pay their taxes on time so as to reduce its cost of revenue collection.

Mr. Stephen Adomah, the Office Manager for the Yendi STO of GRA, explained that, “we have an income tax law, Act 896 and most of tax payers are not aware of the provisions in the Act and therefore, we are also taking this as an opportunity to educate them on the new Act, so that they will be aware of how and when they are suppose to pay taxes in the new provisions.

He added that “[in] the law, we have several tax laws but this one has consolidated all the tax laws into one and it is tax payer friendly. They can easily be read and understood’.’

He therefore urged tax payers to try as much as possible to comply and voluntarily pay their taxes on time.